Your Biggest Struggle Is Your Greatest Gift

Is there something you have struggled with your entire life? Do you have a persistent fear that has held you back from opportunities you so badly wanted to experience?

Life is full of ups and downs and it’s during the down times that we can learn the most about ourselves.

We can either see times of struggle and pain as punishment from the Universe or as a gift of personal growth. We can let these experiences control us or we use them to fuel us towards a life of fulfillment and freedom. While we are all on our own journey, many of us share similar struggles and fears. It is easy to feel like we are alone in our struggles and it can be tempting to isolate ourselves and hide what we feel is the worst part of us. However, there is a very special power in confronting these struggles and this power is magnified when we share with others how we can successfully overcome them.

The ripple effect we create by showing others that fear and struggle only need to be stepping stones to a life of great joy and self-appreciation is infinite in its reach. A community will form around you as you shine light into the darkness of their fears, and they too will begin to illuminate with self-empowerment and a new sense of optimism. A chain reaction is set in motion and soon countless lives have been changed, all because you decided to share your most vulnerable moments with others.

Take a moment to reflect on what it is that you struggle with the most and how that is impacting your life. Visualize what your life would look like if you no longer struggled with these challenges. Determine what steps are needed for you to manifest this visualization and believe it has already begun.

If you feel called to it, share below what you’re overcoming.

Check out my vlog talking more about this topic:

Health and Happiness,



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