Cucumber Avocado Seaweed Wraps

Hi Everyone,

Recently, I came across two items that I had never noticed at our grocery store before; raw, organic nori and wakame seaweed.

Seaweed has never been a staple in my vegan diet in the past but something about them caught my eye during this trip to the grocery store and I went ahead and tossed them in my cart.

That afternoon, I set out to create a raw vegan dish that could get me excited about eating seaweed. (Note: I recommend the brand, Maine Coast Sea Vegetables for your sea vegetable purchases.)

Looking through the refrigerator, I came across the final remains of produce from my recent trip to the local farmers market the previous weekend.

I had 1 large red bell pepper, a deliciously juicy cucumber, an heirloom tomato, a red hot jalapeno pepper and a bag of tender baby spinach.

I sliced the cucumber in strips with my julienne peeler and combined the rest of those mouth-watering ingredients in my food processor. Then I tossed it all together in a bowl and mixed in the wakame seaweed, a handful of pumpkin seeds, an avocado and a few splashes of Coconut Aminos.

I wrapped all of that goodness into several of my raw nori wraps and found myself amazed at how simple, yet delicious this quick little recipe turned out to be. I will lay out the recipe below and hope you will find this to be a welcome addition to your arsenal of raw, vegan recipes:

See the video demo here:

Equipment needed:

  • Food Processor
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Julienne Peeler or Spiralizer


  • 1 Large Red Bell Pepper
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1 Jalapeño Pepper
  • 2 Cups Spinach
  • ½ Cup Dried Wakame Seaweed (soak before adding to recipe)
  • 1/4 Cup Raw Pumpkin Seeds
  • 1 Avocado
  • 2 Tbsp. Coconut Aminos (optional)


Always follow your raw intuition,



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